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Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

An exciting night of eerie legends and stunning views.

Discover the 'Horror Hike' Dublin Ghost Tour, an unforgettable adventure through eerie legends and ghostly tales in the Dublin mountains.

Guided by expert storytellers, this tour offers a blend of excitement and breathtaking views, making it one of the most entertaining nights out in Dublin.

The journey begins at sunset aboard the Banshee bus, a comfortable Mercedes vehicle ideal for scenic drives. You'll be taken to a mystical location southwest of Dublin, setting the scene for a night of captivating stories and stunning scenery.

This immersive storytelling experience guarantees a thrilling and memorable evening!

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  • Unser Preis € 52,00
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Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour
Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour
Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour
Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour
Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour
Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour

Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour:  

The Experience
Join the 'Horror Hike' Dublin Ghost Tour for a spine-chilling journey through eerie legends and ghostly tales in the Dublin mountains.

This 3-hour adventure starts daily at 7 p.m., departing from outside Dublinia on St Michaels Hill, Christ Church, Dublin 8, Ireland. Led by expert storytellers, the tour combines excitement and adventure with breathtaking views and immersive storytelling, making it an unforgettable night out in Dublin.

As the sun sets, the experience begins aboard the Banshee bus, a comfortable Mercedes vehicle perfect for scenic drives. The journey takes you to a mystical location southwest of Dublin, setting the stage for an unforgettable evening. Upon arrival, you'll hike to the peak of Montpelier Hill, known for its mysterious and legendary history associated with the Hell Fire Club.

As you ascend Montpelier Hill, enjoy exclusive views overlooking Dublin city. Your guide will share chilling tales and legends, including the dark history linked to idle hands and the Hell Fire Club. This unique storytelling experience, combined with stunning scenery, guarantees a captivating and thrilling evening.

Things to Note:

  • Bring rain gear, as Irish weather can be unpredictable.
  • Wear appropriate footwear with ankle support for the hike.
  • The hike is relatively easy but requires some endurance for the uphill trails.

The tour offers varying experiences depending on the season, from misty, mysterious nights to bright, clear sunsets. No matter the conditions, the location always impresses.


  • Renowned ghost tour
  • Stunning views from Montpelier Hill
  • Fascinating legends and ghost stories
  • Comfortable travel in the Banshee bus

Join us for an unforgettable journey through Dublin's haunted history. This tour promises breathtaking scenery, a sense of achievement, and a memorable bonding experience. Explore the Hell Fire Club and discover the true essence of Irish folklore and legends!

Every Friday and Saturday at 7pm.

This voucher is valid for one person. Spectators are not allowed unfortunately.

Code : IE10041306

Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour:

Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour: Verfügbarkeit

Every Friday and Saturday at 7pm.

Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour: Faszinierende Fakten

Horror Hike Dublin Ghost Tour: Noch nicht sicher

Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 52,00
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