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The Gravedigger Ghost Tour

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Listen to the tales of a plague-ravaged Dublin...

The Gravedigger evening tour shows you the more macabre, darker side of Dublin from the Middle Ages.

Professional actors take you on a scary (but fun) trip through Dublin on a custom made double decker bus.

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  • Unser Preis € 35,00
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The Gravedigger Ghost Tour
The Gravedigger Ghost Tour
The Gravedigger Ghost Tour
The Gravedigger Ghost Tour
The Gravedigger Ghost Tour

The Gravedigger Ghost Tour:  

The Experience

The gravedigger ghost bus tour starts at Trinity College where your guide will transport you back some 600 years ago to when the old Augustinian Priory and of course the plague house were there. The latter of which the guide is all too familiar with… But just ignore the coughing and listen to his tales of a plague-ravaged Dublin.

Hear an account of plague victims trying to soothe their wounds in the waters of the city’s drinking supplies. Learn about the mayors schemes to try and keep the disease at bay, and discover the fates of all those poor souls who found themselves infected with the disease. Many were ostracised, but some suffered an end much, much worse.

Many believed that the plague was the end of days, but the history of Dublin and its horrors continued. Join your guide as he takes you through the weird and wonderful events that have taken place in times gone by, unearthing legends and ghosts from Dublin’s past. Select a tour stop from the navigation footer below to learn and read more of what to expect on the tour. To be sure to be sure, join us on our custom built storytelling bus and through live poetry and song, let us bring you on a journey to an Ireland of times gone by. It’s no ordinary bus, WE PROMISE YOU WON’T FORGET!

Highlighted Stops:

The Gates of Hell - behind Audeons Church|Kilmainham Jail |Glasnevin Cemetery | Ghoulish Drink at the Gravediggers Pub

Tour departs from College Green across the main entrance of Trinity College, at the Ulster Bank, Dublin City Centre.


07:45pm - Depart from College Green Tourist Office 7.15pm

08:20pm to 08:40 - St Audeons

08:50pm to 09:10pm - Kilmainham Jail and Bullys Acre

09:20pm to 09:50pm - The Gravediggers Pub

10:00pm - Return to pickup

Vital Information

Please be advised that bookings in advance are essential. Please arrive 10 minutes before departure.

The Weather

This tour is not dependent on the weather.

Session Length

The tour will last approximately 2 hours. 


The price mentioned above is for one person over the age of 14.


Spectators are warmly welcomed to purchase additional vouchers.

What To Wear

Please, wear casual outdoor clothing.


The tour runs 7 nights a week and is available all year round.


Dublin, Ireland


The Gravedigger Ghost Tour:

Standorte anzeigen

The Gravedigger Ghost Tour: Verfügbarkeit

The tour runs 7 nights a week and is available all year round.

The Gravedigger Ghost Tour: Faszinierende Fakten

The Gravedigger Ghost Tour: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 35,00
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