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Tank Driving Hampshire

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Feel the thrill of Tank Driving in Hampshire with this unique experience.

Enjoy Tank Driving in Hampshire with this action-packed experience!

Golden Moments offers an action-packed session where you can drive four different vehicles, each with its own unique feel and history. At the end of the experience, you'll get a certificate of achievement to remember your day behind the wheel.

These powerful machines, boasting up to 750 horsepower, have played significant roles in history. Whether you're a history buff or just looking for an adrenaline rush, this tank driving experience is sure to leave you with lasting memories.

We have a wide range of exciting driving gifts for all ages.
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  • Unser Preis € 303,72
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Tank Driving Hampshire
Tank Driving Hampshire
Tank Driving Hampshire
Tank Driving Hampshire
Tank Driving Hampshire
Tank Driving Hampshire

Tank Driving Hampshire:  

The Experience

Experience adventure and thrills when you go tank driving in Winchester, Hampshire.
You will receive full driving tuition in the reassuring company of our friendly and experienced instructors, some of whom served in the Falklands and Gulf Wars, and have some interesting stories to tell. Our ratio of guests to vehicles is set to keep all participants pleasantly busy throughout the session. This tank driving experience is perfect as an original gift.
- You'll get complimentary refreshments throughout your tank and military vehicle driving experience
- A full safety briefing will be given
- Sessions driving the following three military vehicles: Chieftain, MBT 55 tons 700hp, Abbot SPG, FV432 APC
- Session driving the Stormer Mobile Platform
- You'll also receive a certificate of achievement at the end of your session 

Vital Information

This course is suitable for ages 17 and upwards. You must hold a valid driving licence and may be required to produce it on the day. No previous tank or military driving experience is required. Nobody will be required to drive beyond their capabilities. To help us maintain our excellent safety record, participants must exercise due care at all times and follow the instructions and advice of our instructors.

The Weather

The weather should not affect this experience, but any cancellations are for your own safety.

Session Length

The experience will last approximately 3 and a half hours.


This voucher entitles one person to enjoy Tank Driving in Hampshire, but you can always contact our customer service to book another voucher for your friend.


Spectators will enjoy a passenger ride in a tank and complimentary tea and coffee and homemade cakes. Spectators are required to pay a fee of £15.00, but children under 10 are free. This is payable on the day at the location.

What To Wear

All drivers should wear long trousers, long sleeved jumpers or coats and sturdy walking boots with ankle support. Please also bring waterproofs if you have them in wet conditions, a change of clothes and shoes would not go a miss for your home ward journey. The ground can become particularly muddy during inclement weather. Spectators should wear comfortable but durable clothing in line with the weather conditions on the day.


This experience is available on selected dates between March and October, both mornings or afternoons.


Winchester, Hampshire 


Tank Driving Hampshire:

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Tank Driving Hampshire: Reviews

Durchschnitt der Bewertungen
9.5 / 10

Tanking Experience
This is a great tanking experience day! I learnt even more than I knew and got to drive some other military vehicles on the day.

I've already booked up my next session :-) THANKS!
10 / 10

Tank Driving day
Thanks Golden Moments for a great day out driving these tanks. I absolutely loved it. I'm thinking of going again in the summer.
James T.
9 / 10

Tank Driving Hampshire: Bewertung

Ihr Name

Tank Driving Hampshire: Verfügbarkeit

This experience is available on selected dates between March and October, both mornings or afternoons.

Tank Driving Hampshire: Faszinierende Fakten

Well before the first world war, several military were producing a tracked vehicle development. Many countries could not produce because the costs were too high. Many countries had produced only one prototype. In 1903 the French developed a canon autopropulseur Captain Levasseur on tracks. A few years later tried the Major Donoghue, Roberts, the manufacturer of the Hornsbytractor to persuade it to canon autopropulseur tracked to manufacture, which in 1911 finally was actually achieved.

Did you know that a tank weighs up to 550 tons?

Tank Driving Hampshire: Noch nicht sicher

Tank Driving Hampshire: Einschränkungen

This course is suitable for ages 17 and upwards. You must hold a valid driving liscence and may be required to produce it on the day. No previous tank or military driving experience is required. Nobody will be required to drive beyond their capabilities. To help us maintain our excellent safety record, participants must exercise due care at all times and follow the instructions and advice of our instructors.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 303,72
  • Menge:
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Shopping Personalizzato a Milano Zu meinem 50. Geburtstag habe ich von meinem Mann dieses Geschenk bekommen. Da ich gerne Reise und auch ein großer Modefan habe ich mich zwar gefreut wusste aber nicht in wieweit ein Personal Shopper mir neues zeugen könnte.
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Nach diesem Erlebnis liebe ich Milano noch mehr als zuvor. Pauline Gerbauer

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