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Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary

Internationales Erlebnis : Ungarn

Drive an authentic Main Battle Tank in Hungary- an unforgettable and unique experience!

Enjoy the thrill and adrenaline of this tank driving experience - get behind the wheel and take control of a T-72 battle tank.

This experience is exclusively located at Cold War Park in Budapest, Hungary and is a unique interactive museum and attraction.

Do you have what it takes to drive a real battle tank?

Perfect as an exciting experience to enjoy yourself or as a gift for the adventure chaser in your life!
  • Unser Preis € 950,00
  • Menge:
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary
Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary:  

The Experience

You will get a first-hand experience via one-to-one instruction on how to drive a tank!

Our objective is simple, to give you the best experience possible in terms of quality, enjoyment, and satisfaction.

Upon arrival, you will be given a safety briefing before driving. You will then drive around the tank course for approximately 15 minutes followed by at least 30 minutes as a passenger with your Tank driving instructor.

The T-72 is a family of Soviet main battle tanks that first entered production in 1971. About 20,000 T-72 tanks were built, making it one of the most widely produced post-World War II tanks, second only to the T-54/55 family. The T-72A version introduced in 1979 is considered a second-generation main battle tank.

Vital Information

This course is suitable for ages 18 and upwards. No previous tank or military driving experience is required. Nobody will be required to drive beyond their capabilities.

To help us maintain our excellent safety record, participants must exercise due care at all times and follow the instructions and advice of our instructors.

The Weather

The T-72 Main Battle Tank Driving Experience is independent of the weather.

Session Length

This program lasts approximately 45 minutes. Your drive around tank course will last approximately 15 minutes, followed by at least 30 minutes as a passenger with your tank driving instructor. You will have the rest of the day to explore Cold War Park, and the interactive museum plus attractions.


This voucher is valid for one person to enjoy this T-72 Main Battle Tank Driving Experience. Additional people would be required to purchase a new voucher for each person.


Spectators are allowed as passengers for €48.

What To Wear

You should wear comfortable but durable clothing in line with the weather conditions on the day. A change of clothes and shoes would not go a miss for your homeward journey.


This experience is available all year round.



Code : HU10066377

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary:

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary: Verfügbarkeit

This experience is available all year round.

Cold War Park Budapest is a unique interactive Museum and attraction with no set opening hours. Cold War Park works only with prior bookings and closed groups.
So there is no queue at the entrance no crowd inside a museum so you can enjoy every minute of your visit as a V.I.P!

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary: Faszinierende Fakten

The T-72 is a family of Soviet main battle tanks that first entered production in 1971. About 20,000 T-72 tanks were built, making it one of the most widely produced post-World War II tanks, second only to the T-54/55 family. The T-72A version introduced in 1979 is considered a second-generation main battle tank.

Fuel capacity: 1,200 L (320 U.S. gal; 260 imp gal)
Engine: V-12 diesel; V-92S2F (T-72B3 & T-72B3M): 780 hp (580 kW); 1,130 hp (840 kW) for V-92S2F
Speed: 60 km/h (37 mph)
Main armament: 125 mm 2A46M/2A46M-5 smoothbore gun
Power/weight: 18.8 hp/tonne (14 kW/tonne)
Length: 9.53 m (31 ft 3 in) gun forward; 6.95 m (22 ft 10 in) hull
Armour: Steel and composite armour with ERA

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary: Noch nicht sicher

Drive a Main Battle Tank in Hungary: Einschränkungen

This experience is suitable for ages 18 and upwards. No previous tank or military driving experience is required. Nobody will be required to drive beyond their capabilities.

To help us maintain our excellent safety record, participants must exercise due care at all times and follow the instructions and advice of our instructors.
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  • Unser Preis € 950,00
  • Menge:
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