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Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigte Staaten

Step into the world of The Sopranos with this thrilling 4-hour guided bus tour.

Visit over a dozen iconic filming locations, including Satin Dolls (the famous Bada Bing), Holsten’s ice cream parlor,and Barone Sanitation.

Led by actors who appeared on the show, you’ll hear behind-the-scenes stories and uncover the secrets of Tony Soprano’s underworld. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or looking for a unique New York or New Jersey experience, this tour offers an unforgettable journey into the world of the mob.

Book your tickets now and dive into the gritty world of The Sopranos!

Browse our experience days USA here ...
  • Unser Preis € 86,92
  • Menge:
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey
Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey:  

The Experience
Get ready for the ultimate Sopranos experience with the Sopranos Sites Tour!

This 4-hour guided bus tour will take you from the streets of New York to the heart of New Jersey, visiting the most famous filming locations from the iconic series. Whether you’re a dedicated fan or just curious about the show’s legacy, this tour will immerse you in the gritty world of Tony Soprano and his crew.

Your adventure begins in Manhattan before crossing the river to New Jersey, where you’ll visit key sites like Satin Dolls, also known as the infamous Bada Bing strip club, and Holsten’s, the ice cream parlor from the final scene.

Along the way, you’ll see Barone Sanitation (Venture Recycling), St. Cecilia’s Parish and even the quirky Muffler Man. Plus, with guides who worked on the show, you’ll hear exclusive behind-the-scenes stories that bring the tour to life.

This tour is perfect for fans looking to relive iconic moments from The Sopranos or those searching for a unique bachelor party idea. With stops for photos and insider stories, this is a one-of-a-kind experience you won’t want to miss!

Vital Information
There is limited storage space available on the buses so please bring minimal luggage.
The minimum age for this tour is 18 years old.

Your Golden Moments voucher is not a ticket - please activate your voucher at so we can arrange your booking for you.

If you'd like to upgrade your ticket or add extra guests to your booking, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

The Weather
The weather will not prevent your experience from taking place.

Session Length
The duration of the experience will last approximately 4 hours.

Your voucher is valid for one person. If you'd like to upgrade your ticket or add extra guests to your booking, please contact our customer service team for assistance.

Anyone wishing to participate on this tour must hold a valid gift certificate.

What To Wear
Comfortable casual clothing.

This experience runs on most dates throughout the week, usually at 10am. For specific availability, please contact us prior to purchasing a voucher.

7th Avenue near 39th Street.

Code : US10025944

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey:

Standorte anzeigen

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey: Verfügbarkeit

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey: Faszinierende Fakten

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey: Noch nicht sicher

Sopranos Tour NYC & New Jersey: Einschränkungen

You must be over the age of 18 to participate on this tour.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 86,92
  • Menge:
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