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Quad Biking Experience

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Looking for an off-road adventure?

If so, then look no further as this is all you will need to get your blood pumping and heart thumping. Everyone knows that four wheels are better than none and in our quad biking experience, we know that whoever is taking part will have an amazing time.

You will jump onto your assigned quad bike and then take to the course to see if you have what it takes to get around the track in record time. You could even go against others there at the track and try and beat each other’s times. Show everyone who the king or the queen of the track truly is with this great experience.

If you are giving this experience as a gift for someone, then this would be an amazing gift for events such as birthdays, Father's Day, anniversaries and so many more!

When purchasing one of our experience vouchers, there will be the option to include the recipient’s name as well as any message you would like to add. Get creative and let them know just how much they mean to you.

Give yourself or someone else the gift of an amazing day out and a thrilling experience, all with the help of expert experience hunters at Golden Moments.

  • Unser Preis € 60,98
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Quad Biking Experience
Quad Biking Experience
Quad Biking Experience
Quad Biking Experience
Quad Biking Experience
Quad Biking Experience

Quad Biking Experience:  

The Experience

Our Quad Biking Experience consists of riding your Quad Bike (also known as an ATV, All Terrain Vehicle) through rough terrains and tackling obstacles along the way. These superb little vehicles are ideal for a fun day out. In some of our locations you will get to experience Quad Biking in a woodland setting, which creates an excellent and thrilling atmosphere. The experience will start off with some briefing and safety, you will then begin your training around a marked track. After your training and once you have built up your confidence you will then be let loose on the mud tracks and rough terrain. The Quad Bikes that are usual used are Honda 250ES but they vary from location.


Laps Around Marked Track
Ride on the Terrain

Vital Information

Minimum age varies but is usually 18 years. A driving licence is not required. Certain medical conditions (e.g. pregnancy, epilepsy, fainting, neck or back injuries) may prohibit participation. You must sign a danger to health disclaimer.

The Weather

Quad Biking is not usually affected by the weather but in cases of uncertainty call the track on the morning of your experience.

Session Length

This varies from location, some locations you will be able to ride your Quad Bike for 25 mins and at other locations it can be up to an hour.


This experience is for one person but there will be approximately 15 people riding at a time. You should note that a minimum of two people are required at all venues, sometimes this is 4.


Spectators are welcome at most of the Quad Biking venues, but you should check before hand.

What To Wear

Dress comfortably and wear sensible leisure clothes and flat closed shoes. Helmet and race suits provided.


Most Quad Biking centres hold an open sessions a few times a month all year round.


Clwyd, Northamptonshire, Suffolk, Didcot, Dorset, Dundee, Bristol, Mid Glamorgan, Dyfed, Dorset, Devon, East Sussex, Cornwall.

Code : P01AEG

Quad Biking Experience:

Standorte anzeigen

Quad Biking Experience: Verfügbarkeit

In most locations a couple of times a month

Quad Biking Experience: Faszinierende Fakten

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), informally referred to as a quad bike or quad, is defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a vehicle that travels on low pressure tyres, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control. As the name implies, it is designed to handle a wider variety of terrain than most other vehicles. Although it is a street-legal vehicle in some countries, it is not street legal within most states and provinces of Australia, the United States and Canada. By the current ANSI definition, it is intended for use by a single operator, although a change to include two-seaters (in tandem), is under consideration.

The rider sits on and operates these vehicles like a motorcycle, but the extra wheels give more stability at slower speeds. Although typically equipped with three or four wheels, six-wheel models exist for specialised applications. Engine sizes of ATVs currently for sale in the United States, (as of 2008 products), range from 49 to 1,000 cc (3 to 61 cu in).

Quad Biking Experience: Noch nicht sicher

Quad Biking Experience: Einschränkungen

Minimum age varies but is usually 18 years. A driving licence is not required. Certain medical conditions (e.g. pregnancy, epilepsy, fainting, neck or back injuries) may prohibit participation. You must sign a danger to health disclaimer.
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  • Unser Preis € 60,98
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