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Quad Biking Experience for Two

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Enjoy an exhilarating quad biking adventure for two in Carrick!

This experience takes you through a specially designed obstacle course, perfect for all skill levels. You'll navigate 4-wheeled all-terrain vehicles through underground tunnels, muddy ditches and over bridges. Safety instructions and equipment are provided to ensure a fun and secure ride.

For those seeking the ultimate thrill, the Full Quad Experience covers all three tracks, including a challenging forestry section. This 14km track offers a comprehensive adventure, combining the best of all terrains for a truly unforgettable ride.

All levels of experience are catered for and safety tuition is provided!

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  • Unser Preis € 155,00
  • Menge:
Quad Biking Experience for Two
Quad Biking Experience for Two
Quad Biking Experience for Two
Quad Biking Experience for Two
Quad Biking Experience for Two
Quad Biking Experience for Two

Quad Biking Experience for Two :  

The Experience

Your quad biking experience for 2 starts here! You are both going riding through purpose built obstacle courses. The trails include an underground tunnel, overhead bridges, the river, muddy ditches, and a competitive speed course! These 4 wheeled all-terrain vehicles can tackle almost anything you need to get through.

All levels of experience are catered for and full safety tuition is provided. Waterproofs, helmets, boots and gloves are also provided. 

Vital Information

You should be at least 4’6" tall to participate in this quad biking experience in Co. Monaghan. Please be advised that you need a parental signature if you are under 18.

The Weather

This exhilarating experience runs in all weather. The muddier, the better!

Session Length

This experience lasts approximately one hour.


This voucher is valid for for two people to enjoy the experience.  You will share your experience with other participants.


Spectators are not allowed on the Quad track but they can wait in the reception area. 

What To Wear

Please bring old clothes to the location to wear during the experience. All safety gear like helmets and gloves will be provided. Prepare to get muddy and dirty!


This thrilling experience in is available all year round.



Code : IREQUADx2

Quad Biking Experience for Two :

Standorte anzeigen

Quad Biking Experience for Two : Verfügbarkeit

This thrilling experience in is available all year round.

Quad Biking Experience for Two : Faszinierende Fakten

Quad Biking Experience for Two : Noch nicht sicher

Quad Biking Experience for Two : Einschränkungen

You should be at least 4’6" tall to participate in this quad biking experience in Co. Monaghan. Please be advised that you need a parental signature if you are under 18.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 155,00
  • Menge:
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