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Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola

Internationales Erlebnis : Italien

Personalized photo shoot in Venice

Let yourself be seduced by the magic and enchantment of Venice!
Live the unique and unrepeatable experience of the Venetian Dream among the colorful streets and squares of the lagoon city.

We will let you breathe in the unreal atmosphere of Venice in Gondola
We will immortalize your starring hour on 100 photos that will be delivered immediately on a USB key.

Golden Moments is pleased to offer you the chance to take a fantastic costume photoshoot in Venice in Gondola with professional photographers! You will be able to choose from our beautiful costumes to enjoy a unique experience.

  • Unser Preis € 230,00
  • Menge:
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola
Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola

Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola :  

The experience 

Golden Moments is pleased to offer you the chance to take a fantastic costume photoshoot in Venice with professional photographers. You will be able to immortalize this beautiful city with the guidance and suggestions of those who have made their passion for photography their profession.
You will have the opportunity to measure yourself with one of the most fascinating workshops in the city and you will be able to explore and capture all the hidden corners of Venice.

What is included 


Photoshoot with period costumes, 100 photos in the streets of Venice 

Number of participants

The price is for one person 


Reservation required 

For info contact us at Customer Service at 0294.7592.89, or by email at 


Code : IT10062604

Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola :

Standorte anzeigen

Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola : Verfügbarkeit

Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola : Faszinierende Fakten

Photoshoot in Venice in Gondola : Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 230,00
  • Menge:
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Kurz mal weg: 3 Wedel & Genuss Tage Die Zeit habe ich sehr genossen, ich liebe Skifahren und diesem Hobby konnte ich genügend nachgehen. Auch das Wellnessangebot ist sehr schön und gut ausgewählt, so konnte man nach einem anstrengenden Tag auf der Piste wunderbar entspannen. Frank

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