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Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands

Internationales Erlebnis : Niederlande

Soar the skies with our paragliding flying lesson in the Netherlands

Have you always dreamed of flying? Golden Moments offers the perfect opportunity for thrill-seekers to experience the joy of paragliding without any prior preparation or specific training. Join our paragliding flying lesson experience in the Netherlands and take a tandem flight with an experienced and qualified instructor.

Paragliding is both an exhilarating and calming sport. As you glide through the air, you will float high above the beautiful Dutch landscapes, searching for stunning views and catching thermals. Feel the wind in your hair as you spot serene lakes and lush forests below.

If this sounds like the adventure you've been longing for, choose this paragliding tandem introductory lesson from Golden Moments and enjoy an unforgettable day in the sky over the Netherlands.

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  • Unser Preis € 111,00
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Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands
Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands
Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands
Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands
Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands
Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands

Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands:  

The experience
Want more than just a tandem flight? Go for a Paragliding Experience!

This activity consists of two sensational tandem flights per person with an experienced KNVvL certified instructor/tandem pilot.

After a short instruction, a few steps at take-off and landing are all that is needed to get into the air. First, you will make a baptismal flight to experience what it feels like to float freely with a paraglider. During the flight, the pilot will also explain and you can usually steer yourself if you want to (and safety permits). Then follows a second tandem flight where you can decide for yourself what kind of flight it will be.

You can steer yourself again and improve your piloting skills with instructions from the tandem pilot.

But you can also go for sensation! The pilot will then (within safe margins) perform faster flight maneuvers to demonstrate what is possible with a paraglider and how that feels as a (fellow) pilot. Your flight will be shorter in that case, but guaranteed to be more sensational than the fair!

If you are interested in training to become a paragliding pilot after your flight, our enthusiastic team members will be happy to assist you.

There is a danger involved; paragliding is addictive. After your Paragliding Experience you may immediately book a course!

Important information
You must be at least 6 years old and weigh between 35-120kg for this Paragliding Experience.

Upon arrival you will pay an additional 2.50 euros for the use of the farmer's pasture.

Paragliding is a weather dependent sport. If it rains or is too windy, it is not safe to fly.

Your Paragliding Experience is weather dependent. In case of rain and strong wind (4 Beaufort or higher), it will be cancelled and you can make a new appointment.

Duration of the experience
Your Paragliding Experience lasts approximately 1 hour.
The paragliding itself takes about 20 to 30 minutes.
Please note that you must be present at least 30 minutes before departure and that the flight may sometimes run late.

This package is for 1 person.

Spectators are welcome to view part or all of the experience. Please ask our customer service for specific terms and conditions which may vary by location.

The dress code is only a recommendation. Our experience with the experiences teaches us which clothing is suitable. Of course, this also depends on the weather. We advise you to bring sturdy shoes (preferably mountain boots or sports shoes), gloves and sturdy clothing that can withstand a knock or two for this experience. If there are any additional requirements, we will point this out to you when you make your reservation.

If you want to make a reservation you can choose a date online. We advise you to book well in advance because weekend dates are popular. This experience is available from April to October on weekends.
It is therefore possible that your booked appointment may have to be cancelled due to weather conditions.
The paragliding season runs from April to October. So don't wait too long and book an appointment asap.

This Paragliding Experience is available in Sterksel (Eindhoven - Brabant).

Code : NL10015486

Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands:

Standorte anzeigen

Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands: Verfügbarkeit

Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands: Faszinierende Fakten

Paragliding Flying Lesson Experience in the Netherlands: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 111,00
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