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Northside Ghost Walk Tour

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Experience Dublin's favourite walking tour, the Northside Ghost Walk!

Are you brave enough to take on the city's most thrilling adventure?

Join us as we explore the chilling story of Lord Norbury, the infamous "Hanging Judge" notorious for his harsh judgements, including the trial of Robert Emmet. Feared and loathed in life, it's said that his spirit continues to haunt the city, adding to Dublin's eerie atmosphere.

Whether you're a native Dubliner or a visitor from afar, uncover the hidden tales of the Northside Ghosts that you never knew existed, right in the heart of Dublin.

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  • Unser Preis € 25,00
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Northside Ghost Walk Tour
Northside Ghost Walk Tour
Northside Ghost Walk Tour
Northside Ghost Walk Tour
Northside Ghost Walk Tour

Northside Ghost Walk Tour:  

The Experience

With more than a thousand years of history, Dublin is one of the most haunted cities in the world. We will take you through one of the oldest parts of Dublin; the area once known as Oxmantown. This former Viking enclave has a rich haunted history. You will discover the site of Saint Mary’s Abbey; one of the most powerful monastic settlements in Ireland in medieval times, now just a small ruin down an alleyway, passed by thousands of oblivious commuters every day.

You will learn the legend of Scaldbrother, the infamous medieval thief whose buried treasure may still lie in a labyrinth of tunnels under Smithfield. Not to mention Billy the Bowl, the 18th century murderer, born without legs, who once terrorized Stoneybatter and Grangegorman.

If you are feeling brave enough, we will take you down Hendrick Street, once the site of two of the most haunted houses in Dublin. Between them, nos. 7 & 8 Hendrick Street were home to no fewer than six different ghosts. Demolished in the 1960’s, the houses are long gone, but the ghosts...?

And what of the haunted hospital? Ghostly nurses have been seen all the way down the block. Could they be the reason for office chairs spinning by themselves in an adjacent building? Or electronic toys turning on and off by themselves? 

You might want to steel your nerves before venturing with us to Croppie’s Acre. This long-abandoned site was used as a football pitch in the 20th century. Shocking when you consider that it is a mass grave – the final resting place of hundreds of rebels executed after the 1798 rebellion. If you are of a sensitive disposition, you may well come away feeling disturbed. Sometimes, the spirits here attempt communication!

As if that’s not enough to whet your appetite, you will also visit the site of a 21st century apparition of the Virgin Mary. Thousands of passers-by claim to have seen the image on the wall. Can you?

And do be careful who you step on as we pass through the deconsecrated graveyard. The gravestones may have moved, but the bodies haven’t...


This experience will last approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Dress Code

Please wear appropriate shoes and comfortable, warm clothes. 


Every day at 7pm.


This voucher is valid for one person. Spectators are not allowed unfortunately. 

Location Meeting Point

Outside The Church Bar On Mary Street. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to tour departure.


Code : IE10041310

Northside Ghost Walk Tour:

Northside Ghost Walk Tour: Verfügbarkeit

Northside Ghost Walk Tour: Faszinierende Fakten

Northside Ghost Walk Tour: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 25,00
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