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Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

· Club enclosure badges
· Three-course brunch
· Silver Service evening meal
· Hosted by professional jockey

Experience a day at the horse racing with a difference as you arrive in style aboard the Northern Belle vintage train.
  • Unser Preis € 975,80
  • Menge:
Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup
Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup

Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup:  

The Experience

Experience the thrill that is horse racing with this exceptional luxury train journey to Cheltenham Gold Cup. This is one of the most famous of the National Hunt races and it's your time to enjoy this horse racing meeting in style when you arrive at the Gold Cup aboard the Northern Belle luxury train. 

A red-carpet welcome with Bellini reception will start your journey to Cheltenham Gold Cup aboard the Northern Belle. You will experience the glamour and luxury of vintage train travel aboard this vintage 1930's train with art deco styling. 

As you journey towards Cheltenham you will be served a delightful brunch by silver service and the onboard stewards will distribute your Cheltenham Gold Cup badges. As you arrive in Cheltenham you will be transferred via coach to the GWSR Heritage Line as a steam hauled train will complete your journey to Cheltenham racecourse.

After the excitement of a day at the Cheltenham Gold Cup you will board the Northern Belle train for your homebound journey. You will enjoy a delicious evening meal on your way home whilst conversing and reflecting on your day at the races.

  • Round trip travel from London Paddington
  • Transfers and admissions - Club Enclosure Badge
  • Sparkling Bellini and three course brunch on the outward journey
  • Racing Post per couple
  • Jockey Hosts
  • Coach & steam train transfer to the Course on GWSR Heritage Railway
  • Station is behind the grandstands
  • Champagne welcome drink on return
  • Three course evening dinner on return journey
  • Bottle of house wine per couple
  • Tea, coffee and petit fours

Vital Information

Please be aware that the Northern Belle trains departure time cannot be changed should racing be delayed on the day. It's the passenger’s responsibility to return to the station in time for departure.  Please note: This voucher is valid for trips up to the value of the voucher. At times of high demand you may find the trip type has increased in price and a small supplement is required. Alternatively, you may look at dates further ahead in the schedule, to find a trip at the same voucher value. Please be aware that no refunds will be made for trips booked lower than the voucher value

The Weather

Horse racing at the Chetenham Gold Cup can be affected by poor weather conditions, your luxury train journey will still go ahead though. 

Session Length

This experience to Cheltenham by luxury train will last all day.


Vouchers are priced per person

What To Wear

You will be expected to wear smart attire to the Cheltenham Gold Gup




London to Cheltenham


Code : GB10051925

Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup:

Standorte anzeigen

Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup: Verfügbarkeit

Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup: Faszinierende Fakten

Luxury Train to the Cheltenham Gold Cup: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 975,80
  • Menge:
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