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Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland

Internationales Erlebnis : Schweiz
Mountain boarding in St. Anton Berneck, Switzerland, is tailor-made for adventurous souls seeking thrills and excitement. Gather at the designated meeting point, the restaurant situated along the road to St. Anton Berneck, and prepare to ride an exhilarating downhill journey on your mountain board.

This experience isn't just for the thrill-seekers; it's for anyone with a sense of curiosity and a love for exploration. As you set out on your mountain board adventure, be prepared to be blown away by the stunning vistas and adrenaline-pumping descents that await you.

Mountain boarding isn't just about the adrenaline rush; it's also a chance to breath the fresh air of the Swiss Alps in the most thrilling way!

So, whether you're an experienced boarder or a novice looking for a new adventure, mountain boarding in St. Anton Berneck offers an unforgettable experience for all. Get ready to strap on your board, feel the rush of adrenaline, and create memories that will last a lifetime in this picturesque Swiss paradise.
  • Unser Preis € 54,17
  • Menge:
Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland
Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland
Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland
Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland
Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland:  

The Experience

Enjoy an unforgettable day with the adventure Mountain boarding St. Anton - Berneck!
You will meet our team at the restaurant of St. Anton and get to know the mountain board. Then you will receive the protective equipment, a brief instruction and introduction to your board. Afterwards you get on the road to Berneck where your adventure with the mountain board will begin and you will make the interesting and exciting way down into the valley. You control the speed of the mountain board yourself with the brakes in your hand. You’ll quickly learn how to steer the mountain board by shifting your weight and adjust the speed to your growing skills. Now you can enjoy mountain board downhill with the stunning scenery and a view of the Appenzell mountains.
Mountain Snowboarding St. Anton - Berneck - an extraordinary adventure!

Vital Information

No previous experience is necessary. In normal conditions you will be able to master the mountain board downhill without any problems!

The Weather

This experience is not weather dependant.

Session Length

The mountain boarding experience will last approximately 3 hours.


The price is per person.


Spectators are not possible and should purchase additional vouchers.

What To Wear

Please bring all-weather clothing and good shoes. All protective equipment is provided to you.


The Mountain Boarding experience in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland is available most days of the week. Please contact us in advance to book in your date.


St. Anton, Berneck - Switzerland

Code : CH0133

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland:

Standorte anzeigen

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland: Verfügbarkeit

The Mountain Boarding experience in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland is available most days of the week. Please contact us in advance to book in your date.

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland: Faszinierende Fakten

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland: Noch nicht sicher

Mountain Boarding in St. Anton-Berneck - Switzerland: Einschränkungen

No previous experience is necessary. In normal conditions you will be able to master the mountain board downhill without any problems!
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  • Unser Preis € 54,17
  • Menge:
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