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Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting

Internationales Erlebnis : Italien
Enjoy a comfortable and relaxing bike tour around the city of Monopoli, explore centuries-old olive trees and taste local olive oil.
  • Unser Preis € 46,13
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Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting
Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting
Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting
Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting
Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting
Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting

Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting:  

Enjoy a comfortable and relaxing bike tour through the countryside surrounded by centuries-old olive trees, typical dry stone walls, and rocky churches. You'll start by visiting the city of Monopoli. A beautiful city overlooking the Adriatic Sea that still preserves those distinctive traits that made it one of the most important maritime cities of Puglia. Visit its distinctive old town, dating back to the early Middle Ages, and the majestic cathedral.
Then, you'll leave the town and reach a famous farmhouse of the territory founded in the early 1900s and visit its underground oil mill to discover the secrets of the ancient art of the olive oil production. Then, visit the modern oil mill, situated within the farmhouse, where you'll learn about contemporary olive oil processing. Thereafter, you'll experience a short professional olive oil tasting produced by the farmhouse.
At the end of the visit, return to Monopoli through country roads and along a short stretch of the coast to admire the sea at sunset.The places mentioned are connected to each other by beautiful contradas and countryside roads allowing tourists to discover unknown places. You'll ride surrounded by the scent of nature, among thousand-year-old olive trees and typical dry stone walls while admiring the breathtaking landscapes.The e-bikes represent a new and eco-friendly means of transport and fully respects the environment. They are designed to allow anyone (children and seniors included) to cycle without effort thanks to a smart electric pedal-assist motor. These e-bikes can reach a maximum speed of 25 kilometers an hour, anything beyond that will cause them to work like normal bikes. The e-bikes can be used as standard bikes at any time.
Code : MTX10044831

Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting:

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Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting: Verfügbarkeit


Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting: Faszinierende Fakten

Monopoli e-bike tour with olive oil tasting: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 46,13
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