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Microlight Flight

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Relive the pioneering spirit of aviation with an exhilarating Microlight flight!

Begin with a pre-flight briefing led by an experienced instructor, covering essential safety measures and what to expect in the skies.

Once aboard, you’ll soar over stunning landscapes and even have the chance to take the controls yourself, discovering the freedom and thrill of flight. After your landing, a brief debriefing awaits, along with a certificate presentation to commemorate your journey in this unique aircraft.

Ideal for thrill-seekers and flight enthusiasts alike, this experience is one you’ll never forget.

Take flight and capture the magic of early aviation!
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Microlight Flight
Microlight Flight
Microlight Flight
Microlight Flight
Microlight Flight
Microlight Flight

Microlight Flight:  

Your Experience
Microlights bring back that wonderful lost magic of the early pioneering days of flying and you're certain to fall in love with these thrilling and eccentric aircrafts. You'll have a pre-flight briefing with your instructor who will take you through safety and what to expect. You'll then take to the skies and take the controls yourself and discover the absolute freedom of flying. Following your landing you'll have a short de-brief and a certificate presentation.

Vital Information

The maximum weight for this experience can vary between 14 to 16 stone depending on the location. The minimum age is 10 to 14 and also depends on the location. Under 18s must be accompanied to the venue by an adult and must have a disclaimer form signed by a parent or guardian.

The Weather

Microlighting is a weather dependent activity and it is crucial that you call the centre for a weather check before setting out. If your flight is cancelled due to the weather it will be re-booked for an alternative date.

Session Length

Your flight will last for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.


Your briefing may be shared, however your flight will be held on a one-to-one basis with a qualified pilot.


Spectators are welcome to come along and watch you take off and land. Please feel free to bring a camera and binoculars.

What To Wear

Most microlights have open cockpits, so please dress warmly. Sunglasses are recommended all year round.


We recommend booking three weeks in advance, even earlier for summer weekends.


Essex, Wiltshire, Sussex, Merseyside, Northamptonshire and Northumberland.

Other Information

Your flying time can count towards a Private Pilot's Licence for microlights. If you have ever wanted to be a pilot, then this is a great way to get started. Please be aware that this is quite a high adrenaline experience, not for the faint hearted.

Code : P00257

Microlight Flight:

Standorte anzeigen

Microlight Flight: Verfügbarkeit

Microlight Flight: Faszinierende Fakten

The history of microlighting contains many heroes whose exploits have been recorded by the British Microlight Aircraft Association. Men like General Resnier of Goue, who in 1806 at the age of 77 became the world's first hang glider pilot by launching himself from the ramparts of Angouleme, some 250 ft above the River Charente. His first flight rewarded him with a ducking and his second with a broken leg, but the point had been made. Over 150 years later, on 4 July 1969, a more successful demonstration of microlighting took place when Bill Bennet glided for a long time around the Statue of Liberty and landed at the foot of the statue. The symbolism of this historic flight was not lost on enthusiasts, who realised that they had gained independence in the skies. Finally in the '90s German pilots broke the microlight speed record at 165 mph, and a distance without landing record of 645 miles. And now it's your turn as you follow those intrepid pilots in one of two types of modern microlight. It might be a 'flexwing', originally conceived from the delta wing hang gliders. Now this manoeuvrable craft offers impressive performance and the sensation of the air on your face as you pilot it. Or it might be a 'three axis' or fixed wing microlight which is very similar to a conventional plane. Whichever it is, you'll share the exhilaration felt by those past heroes.

Microlight Flight: Noch nicht sicher

Microlight Flight: Einschränkungen

Minimum age is 16. You should not have a significant heart problems or any disability where symptoms may occur in flight that would put the participant, aircraft or instructor at risk. You have to wear (warm) suitable clothing for this experience.
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  • Unser Preis € 146,37
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