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Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna

Pay a sobering visit to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial.

Take a deeply moving journey from Vienna to the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial, where history comes to life in a powerful and thought-provoking way.

Explore the site’s rich and sombre past, walk through its historic grounds, and engage with the compelling exhibits in the new museum.

Gain a profound understanding of the lives affected by the horrors of World War II and its lasting impact, making this an unforgettable experience of reflection and remembrance.

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  • Unser Preis € 176,86
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Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna
Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna:  

The Experience

Upon arrival, explore the preserved historic premises of the Mauthausen Memorial at your own pace with the help of your audio guide. See the Wiener-Graben quarry, the Stairs of Death, the SS-Quarters, the Camp Prison, the Gas Chamber, and visit the newly re-opened Mauthausen Museum with the Room of Names. Honor the victims by learning about this crucial period in history.

Begin on a 2.5-hour journey from Vienna across lower Austria towards the Mauthausen Memorial in a comfortable air-conditioned tour vehicle. Listen to your guide explaining the historical context en route and learn about life at Mauthausen concentration camp before its liberation in May 1945.

Mauthausen Concentration Camp in Upper Austria was one of the largest labor camp complexes in the Third Reich. Between 1938 and 1945 about 200,000 people from all over Europe were imprisoned in Mauthausen. About half of them lost their lives. Today, Mauthausen Memorial honors the memory of those who perished here by standing as a reminder to the darkest days in Austria’s history.

Vital Information

Meeting point- Meet point is Tourist-Info Wien.

The tour concludes at the Vienna State Opera House in downtown Vienna.

Due to the nature of the visit this tour is not recommended for children aged 15 and younger.

Audio guides at Mauthausen Memorial are available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Russian, Hungarian

The Weather

The weather will not affect the trip. 

Session Length

The duration of the day will be approximately 8.5hrs. 


This voucher allows 1 person to visit the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial. 


Spectators are not allowed but can visit with their own voucher.

What To Wear

According to the guidelines, dress should "be appropriate to the dignity of a memorial". It is advisable to avoid political symbols on clothing.


Available to book on Tuesdays & Saturdays. Pre-booking is advisable.



Code : MTX10041790

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna:

Standorte anzeigen

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna: Verfügbarkeit

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna: Faszinierende Fakten

Mauthausen Concentration Camp Memorial day trip from Vienna: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 176,86
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