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Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Enjoy this exclusive whiskey tasting of 4 premium Jameson blends.

Experience this in-depth tasting of some of Bow St.'s most loved whiskeys in the exclusive comfort and secrecy of JJ's Office; a unique room which can only be accessed as part of the Whiskey Tasting Experience.

Enjoy a fully guided tasting by a Jameson Brand Ambassador and sample four premium whiskeys and access to John Jameson's (JJ's Office).

A great gift idea for the whiskey lover in your life!
  • Unser Preis € 85,00
  • Menge:
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two
Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two:  

The Experience


Go where not many have gone before. Space. John Jameson’s private space, his office. Join one of our Brand Ambassadors as they unlock over 230 years of history and bring you behind the scenes for a whiskey tasting like no other.

Your Experience Includes:

> Whiskey tasting of 4 premium blends, two of which are exclusive to the distillery
> Fully hosted by a Jameson Ambassador
> Visit to the Maturation warehouse JJ's Office; a unique room which can only be accessed as part of the Whiskey Tasting Experience

Vital Information

In order to taste Jameson Whiskey you must be over the age of 18. Ample free parking is available.

The Weather

The weather does not affect this experience.

Session Length

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two will last approximately one hour. 


This voucher allows two people to enjoy the Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting at the Old Jameson Distillery in Dublin. You will share this experience with other people who are also taking the tour, up to a maximum of 14 visitors per session.


Other people who would like to join you would need to purchase additional vouchers for this experience.

What To Wear

There is no set dress code for this experience but as some of the tour takes please outside please dress suitably for the weather.


The Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting runs daily at 2pm or 4pm.


Dublin city centre, located 5 minutes walk from the Red Smithfield Luas street tram.

Code : IE10068517

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two:

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two: Verfügbarkeit

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two: Faszinierende Fakten

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two: Noch nicht sicher

Jameson Secret Whiskey Tasting for Two: Einschränkungen

In order to taste Jameson Whiskey you must be over the age of 18. Ample free parking is available.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 85,00
  • Menge:
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