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Innsbruck Card for 72h

You can explore Innsbruck's highlights with the Innsbruck Card, which offers free access to 22 museums and attractions!

Not only that, but you also get to enjoy a round trip on selected lifts and cable cars, free use of public transport, and even hop-on hop-off bus rides with the Sightseeing.

The card is available for 24, 48, or 72 hours, giving you the flexibility to discover the best of Innsbruck at your own pace.
  • Unser Preis € 80,00
  • Menge:
Innsbruck Card for 72h
Innsbruck Card for 72h
Innsbruck Card for 72h
Innsbruck Card for 72h
Innsbruck Card for 72h
Innsbruck Card for 72h

Innsbruck Card for 72h:  

What is the Innsbruck Card?

Are you planning a trip to Innsbruck? Or will you have a little free time during a business trip? The 72hr Innsbruck card will help you get the most out of your trip, the perfect companion to help you enjoy the city to the full.

You might ask yourself- Where is the Alpine Zoo? or 'here is The Imperial Palace? And where do I catch the Swarovski Crystal Worlds shuttle? Almost all of the sights and attractions in the city are within walking distance. Plus many are on the route for the hop-on hop-off Sightseeing bus. All the others are easily reached by public transport, which is also included. We've marked the locations on the map for you.

What is included?

The Innsbruck Card entitles you to free transport on buses and trams operated by the IVB (Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe) in the centre of Innsbruck, as well as the following bus lines between Innsbruck and Hall in Tirol: 501, 503, 504, 456, 650, 469. The Sightseer hop-on hop-off bus, the Nightliner, the Swarovski Crystal Worlds shuttle and the panoramic route to Igls on tram no. 6 are also included.

Free entry to 22 museums and attractions, one upward and one downward journey on selected lifts and cable cars in the region, free use of public transport and free use of the Sightseer hop-on hop-off bus – all that and more is included with the Innsbruck Card. The card can be purchased for 24, 48 or 72 hours, giving you the freedom to discover Innsbruck's highlights.


Innsbruck, Austria

Code : MTX10042722

Innsbruck Card for 72h:

Standorte anzeigen

Innsbruck Card for 72h: Verfügbarkeit


Innsbruck Card for 72h: Faszinierende Fakten

Innsbruck Card for 72h: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 80,00
  • Menge:
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