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Harness Zorbing for Two

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Ever wondered what it’s like to roll down a hill inside a giant inflatable ball at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour?

With harness zorbing for two, you and a friend can experience this one-of-a-kind thrill as you race down the hillside together!

Safely strapped inside the ball, you'll feel the rush of speed and the excitement of tumbling over and over as the world spins around you. It’s the perfect activity for thrill-seekers looking to share an unforgettable, laughter-filled adventure.

Feeling extra daring? Upgrade to a second run for double the excitement and fun!

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  • Unser Preis € 73,18
  • Menge:
Harness Zorbing for Two
Harness Zorbing for Two
Harness Zorbing for Two
Harness Zorbing for Two
Harness Zorbing for Two

Harness Zorbing for Two:  

The Experience

Harness zorbing is an extreme sport where you are rolled down steep hills inside a 12 foot inflatable ball. This incredible experience will take you on a journey like no other before, reaching speeds of 30mph it is truly exhilarating. Share the fun with a friend and enjoy each others facial expressions as you plummet down the hill strapped facing each other. An experience you are sure never to forget.

Vital Information

You should not participate in the harness zorbing for Two experience if you; are pregnant, are suffering from high blood pressure, have a heart condition, epilepsy or have any neck, back or shoulder (current or historic) problems, are undergoing medical treatment, have had an operation within the past twelve months, exceed 18 stone, have a girth greater than 60 inches, are under 4 foot in height, if you are under 12 years old or over 65 years old. The location staff on the day of your experience may decide that you can't enjoy your experience due to one of these restrictions above, their decision is final. Should you suffer from anything not listed above, please contact us for advice. 

The Weather

Zorbing requires good weather conditions,due to this, rarely weather conditions may cause your experience to be cancelled. If this is the case, an alternative booking will be made with you. 

Session Length

Your ride will last approximately one minute, although this is dependent on the site you pick as the length of the run varies from 150 - 250 meters. If you do wish to make your ride last longer, additional rides can be purchased. Waiting times could be anything up to two hours, but the location staff will attempt to give your ride within the half hour time slot you are allocated. 


This voucher is valid for two people to each have one roll inside the Sphere. There will be other people at the venue with you but there will only be the pair of you inside the Sphere. 


Spectators may be welcome at some venues. Please check before making a booking to avoid disappointment. There are strict health & safety regulations in place that must be followed. 

What To Wear

We recommend that you wear comfortable trousers and a crew/polo neck t-shirt or jumper. You should wear clothes that protect and cover your shoulders/neck as you will be wearing a full climbing harness. As the Sphere may be damaged by jewellery and belts, you will be asked to remove such items. You should also note that you will be barefoot in the Sphere. 


This experience operates most weekends between April and September. 


This activity operates in Manchester 

Code : P03511

Harness Zorbing for Two:

Harness Zorbing for Two: Reviews

Durchschnitt der Bewertungen
10.0 / 10

Hill Rolling Experience
My girlfriend and I loved this Harness spherieng experience so much that we've decided to go again next month with my brother and sister in law! It's totally brilliant and really gets your adreanline going!! THANKS!!!!!
10 / 10

Harness Zorbing for Two: Bewertung

Ihr Name

Harness Zorbing for Two: Verfügbarkeit

This experience operates most weekends between April and September. Availability will be confirmed to you during the booking process.

Harness Zorbing for Two: Faszinierende Fakten

Sphereing is a recreational activity which emerged in the late 20th century.

It involves rolling down a hill in an inflatable, usually transparent, ball (also called a Sphere) made from PVC.

Would you like to see how Sphereing works? Click our 'Videos' tab to watch some video clips.

Harness Zorbing for Two: Noch nicht sicher

Harness Zorbing for Two: Einschränkungen

You should not participate in the Harness Sphereing for Two experience if you; are pregnant, are suffering from high blood pressure, have a heart condition, epilepsy or have any neck, back or shoulder (current or historic) problems, are undergoing medical treatment, have had an operation within the past twelve months, exceed 18 stone, have a girth greater than 60 inches, are under 4 foot in height, if you are under 12 years old or over 65 years old.

The location staff on the day of your experience may decide that you can't enjoy your experience due to one of these restrictions above, their decision is final. Should you suffer from anything not listed above, please contact us for advice.
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  • Unser Preis € 73,18
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