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Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket

Join a guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace with skip-the-line ticket and visit the magnificent Palace, the historic state-rooms and the beautiful baroque gardens.
  • Unser Preis € 33,83
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Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket
Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket

Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket:  

Visit the magnificent summer residence of the imperial family! A World Heritage listed site, Schönbrunn Palace is visited by millions of people from all over the world every year. Travel back in time, when we guide you through the impressive showrooms, explore the beautiful baroque gardens and feel like a prince or princess for a few hours! Avoid long queues by visiting with us, as our entry is already booked.Your walking tour will begin at our meeting point in front of the Albertina museum, next to the State Opera House (Staatsoper). From there we’ll take the subway and after a short ride we will arrive at the spectacular imperial palace. You will be given an introduction to the history of the Schönbrunn Palace, as well as to its most important residents. Finally our guide will lead you through the historic state-rooms on the so-called “Highlight Tour” of the palace.After the end of our inside Schönbrunn tour, don’t miss the opportunity to walk the beautiful gardens and catch a glimpse of the Gloriette, an arch on top of a hill overlooking Vienna’s forests, have a coffee or even visit the famous “Strudelshow”, where you can experience how a traditional Viennese apple strudel is prepared. Or take the chance to visit the oldest Zoo in the world on the grounds of the palace – the “Tiergarten Schönbrunn”.
Code : MTX10045456

Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket:

Standorte anzeigen

Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket: Verfügbarkeit


Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket: Faszinierende Fakten

Guided Tour around Schönbrunn Palace on weekend days with skip-the-line ticket: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 33,83
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