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Gliding in Essex

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich
Looking for an experience that will take you to new heights? Look no further than our Gliding Gift Experience!

This unique experience will take you on a journey through the skies, soaring effortlessly through the air with nothing but the wind beneath your wings. You'll be guided by one of our experienced pilots, who will take you on a thrilling flight over the countryside, giving you a bird's eye view of the world below.

As you glide through the air, you'll experience a sense of freedom and exhilaration unlike anything else. You'll feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face as you float through the clouds, taking in the stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

But this isn't just a passive experience – you'll have the chance to take the controls yourself, learning how to steer the glider and make adjustments to your altitude and speed. Our experienced instructors will be there to guide you every step of the way, helping you master the art of gliding and giving you an experience you'll never forget.

Our Gliding Gift Experience is the perfect gift for anyone who loves adventure and wants to experience the world from a whole new perspective. So why wait? Book your gift experience today and get ready to take to the skies!
  • Unser Preis € 268,33
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Gliding in Essex
Gliding in Essex
Gliding in Essex
Gliding in Essex
Gliding in Essex

Gliding in Essex:  

The Experience

Enjoy a full day of  gliding in Essex . Your gliding experience will consist of 6 winch launches, or 3 winch launches with extended soaring flights, or a combination of both. You will have a full briefing on gliding and the theory of flight will take place before you take to the air.
Your flying tuition will be in one of the club's two-seater gliders with a British Gliding Association qualified instructor, who will give you a full briefing before take off.
The instructor will endeavour to give you sufficient time in the air to become acquainted with the thrill of flight and to enjoy the scenery below you. During the flight you will be instructed on the effects of the controls, and should you wish, you can take the controls and fly the glider yourself.

Vital Information

You will need to be less than 6'6" tall, and weigh less than 240 pounds. Very light pilots will be supplied with additional ballast. Visitors flying as passenger or second pilot must not have any medical condition that might lead to a difficult or dangerous situation in flight. For example, poor vision or partial physical disability could be acceptable, but severe epilepsy or pronounced psychological disorder would not be. If in doubt, please ask.

The Weather

We also suggest that you contact the Club before leaving home to confirm that we are flying because rain, high winds and poor visibility can restrict our activities

Session Length

Your experience will last the full day and you will fly two to three times. 


Your briefing may be shared; your flight will be held on a one-to-one basis with the instructor.


Spectators are welcome. Please check with us at point of booking as some times the club is really busy and also we operate a minimum age policy.

What To Wear

Wear flat-soled shoes and bring a jumper with you in case it gets cold at higher altitudes. Bring gloves in winter and sun block and a hat in summer. Sunglasses are recommended all year round.


Booking days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but occasionally we can fit in a booking on a weekend.


Colchester, Essex

Code : P02656

Gliding in Essex:

Standorte anzeigen

Gliding in Essex: Verfügbarkeit

Gliding in Essex: Faszinierende Fakten

Gliding in Essex: Noch nicht sicher

Gliding in Essex: Einschränkungen

You will need to be less than 6'6" tall, and weigh less than 240 pounds. Very light pilots will be supplied with additional ballast. Visitors flying as passenger or second pilot must not have any medical condition that might lead to a difficult or dangerous situation in flight. For example, poor vision or partial physical disability could be acceptable, but severe epilepsy or pronounced psychological disorder would not be. If in doubt, please ask.
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  • Unser Preis € 268,33
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Paragliding - Haute-Savoie (74) - France Ich hatte schon immer vor einmal Paragleiten zu gehen und mein Mann hat mir das nun ermöglicht.
Es war eine sehr schöne Erfahrung und ich würde es gerne wieder tun. Die Anfahrt war für uns nur etwas beschwehrlich. Hofman

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