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Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigte Staaten

Fly high with a life-changing flight in the L-39 Albatros.

Prepare for an unforgettable adventure that will leave a lasting impression for years to come.

In sunny Florida, take on the challenge with a rapid 30 minute jet flight on the L-39 Albatros. This versatile aircraft, used by Air Forces worldwide, offers exceptional manoeuvrability and performance.

Your experienced pilot will guide you through thrilling manoeuvres, from Immelmann turns to barrel rolls. Take control and feel the adrenaline rush as you tame the forces of the jet. And don't forget to log this unforgettable experience in your pilot logbook!
  • Unser Preis € 4727,85
  • Menge:
Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes
Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes
Flug mit einer L-39 Albatros in den USA
Flug mit einem Kampfjet
L-39 Albatros fliegen

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes:  

The Experience

Prepare for an adventure that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Our customers often share how, even years later, they find themselves reminiscing about their jet flight experience, unable to wipe the smiles from their faces. Some feel a newfound energy, akin to a fighter pilot's mindset, brimming with nerve, calculated risk-taking and composure. In sunny Florida, you can put yourself to the test with a rapid flight aboard the L-39 Albatros. Are you up for the challenge?

This versatile aircraft, utilised by numerous Air Forces worldwide, boasts exceptional maintenance, safety and performance standards. In the United States, you'll witness first-hand its impressive maneuverability at all speeds and in any situation. It's no wonder the L-39 Albatros remains a staple for training and combat missions across the globe.

Flying a jet fighter demands split-second analysis and lightning-fast reactions. It's a skill honed over thousands of flight hours. Rest assured, our experienced pilots in Florida will guide you through every twist and turn. Feel the thrill of pulling G-forces during maneuvers like Immelmann turns, barrel rolls, and Cuban eights.

When our pilots entrust you with the controls of the L-39 Albatros, you'll experience the exhilarating challenge of taming a jet firsthand. It's a moment of total concentration that reveals your true capabilities. Plus, you can proudly log this unforgettable flight in your pilot logbook.

Vital Information

To fly a fighter jet you have to be in good physical condition. The maximum height for this flight experience is 6.4ft and the maximum weight is 230lbs.

The Weather

The experience is weather dependent. If it is not possible to fly, a new date will be arranged for you.

Session Length

Your flight with the L-39 Albatros will take about 30 minutes, however the total experience will be approximately 3 hours, including a flight and safety briefing.


You will experience this adventure together with your pilot.


You are welcome to bring spectators to your experience who can admire your flight from the ground.

What To Wear

Please wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes. The flight suit, a helmet and additional equipment will be provided by your pilot.


Your Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida package is available throughout the year. Please note that especially weekends are booked a lot. Therefore we recommend an early booking with the supplier but at least two weeks before the desired date.


Tampa, Florida, USA

Code : US10017043

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes:

Standorte anzeigen

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes: Verfügbarkeit

The jet fighter flight is available throughout the year. Please note that especially weekends are booked a lot. Therefore we recommend an early booking with the supplier but at least two weeks before the desired date.

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes: Faszinierende Fakten

The L-39 Albatros is a training aircraft that can also be used to engage ground targets. The L-39 distinguishes itself with good maneuverability and excellent visibility from both seats in the cockpit. Very good performance at sub sonic speeds make the L-39 jet the ideal aircraft to experience a cost effective flight on a real fighter aircraft.

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes: Noch nicht sicher

Fly a Fighter Jet in Florida - 30 minutes: Einschränkungen

To experience a flight with an L-39 Albatros, you have to be in good physical condition. The maximum height for this flight experience is 6.4ft and the maximum weight is 230lbs.
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  • Unser Preis € 4727,85
  • Menge:
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