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Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of Dingle Bay's coastline on this one-of-a-kind boat tour that will transport you to the stunning Great Blasket Islands.

Immerse yourself in the wonders that await you and keep an eye out for the incredible marine mammals and birds that may greet you along this rib tour adventure of Dingle.

With a maximum of 12 people per tour, this experience offers a truly personal touch! Your captain, who has extensive knowledge of this coastline from years spent at sea in Dingle, will captivate you with fascinating stories along the way.

Get an up-close view of the Great Blasket Islands, witness the stunning rock formations along the West Kerry Coastline, spot the playful seals along the route and even visit Luke Skywalker's Hideaway Planet where Star Wars was filmed on the Dingle Peninsula!

Don't miss out on experiencing the breath-taking views that the Dingle Peninsula has to offer - book your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride today.
  • Unser Preis € 80,00
  • Menge:
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride
Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride:  

The Experience 

This unique tour takes in the breath-taking majestic coastline of Dingle Bay, the caves and the cliffs all the way to the Great Blasket Islands!

Soak in the delights that await you and keep an eye out for the many marine mammals and birds that may greet you as you go.

This tour is limited 12 persons max each time, therefore it can offer a very personal experience! (Minimum 6 per tour).

Your captain has a great knowledge of this coastline as he has spent years on the sea in Dingle. He will fascinate you with many a story along the way!

> See the many Rock Formations along the West Kerry Coastline
Seals – see the many seals along the route!

> Luke Skywalker’s Hideaway Planet! See where Star Wars was filmed on the Dingle Peninsula.

> Experience some of West Kerry’s Caves

> Experience the many breath taking views the Dingle Peninsula has to offer

Vital Information

Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride requires at least 6 participants to run. If this minimum is not met, the trip is subject to cancellation.

Early Morning tour check in is 30 minutes prior to departure.
All other tours require check in 1 hour prior to departure.

Minimum age for participation is 9 years old.

The Weather

Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride operator reserves the right to cancel the tour under extreme weather conditions and you will be rescheduled for another date. 

Session Length

Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride will last for approximately 2.5 - 3 hours.


This voucher allows 1 person to access the Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride. 


Spectators are not allowed but can join in the tour with their own voucher.

What To Wear

Please dress appropriately for your boat trip (warm, weatherproof/waterproof clothing at a minimum).


Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride can be booked daily from 10:30am - 4:30pm, however we advise booking at least two weeks prior for best availability. 


Dingle, Ireland


Code : IE10068642

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride:

Standorte anzeigen

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride: Verfügbarkeit

Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride can be booked daily from 10:30am - 4:30pm, however we advise booking at least two weeks prior for best availability.

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride: Faszinierende Fakten

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride: Noch nicht sicher

Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride: Einschränkungen

Your Dingle Sea Safari Rib Ride requires at least 6 participants to run. If this minimum is not met, the trip is subject to cancellation.

Minimum age for participation is 9 years old.
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 80,00
  • Menge:
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