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Cupid's path Milan for two people

Internationales Erlebnis : Italien


Are you looking for a relaxing couple experience, but don't you know where? Here you are a unique opportunity to take care of yourself with a spa treatment just for you!
  • Unser Preis € 130,00
  • Menge:
Cupid's path Milan for two people
Cupid's path Milan for two people
Cupid's path Milan for two people
Cupid's path Milan for two people
Cupid's path Milan for two people
Cupid's path Milan for two people

Cupid's path Milan for two people:  

The experience

The treatment starts with a delicius scrub to make smooth your skin. After you will receive a massage total body with a cocktail of active ingredients 100% natural. The Dead Sea salt has a very draining and exfoliating effect, while honey, rice powder, oats, soybeans and chamomile make this scrub an invigorating, oxygenating and anti-aging wrap. Treatment also includes access to the facilities of the center: sauna, turkish bath, blue room with fog blue mint and crushed ice, Kneipp's path, aroma and colour therapy, relaxing room where take a break sipping an herb tea. Furthermore, 30 min of pampering massage with essential oils for the couple!

Vital Information

Participants should be aged over 18 years old. Not recommended for heart patients and those suffering from venous thrombosis and women who are pregnant.

The Weather

As this experience takes place indoors, your experience will not be affected by weather conditions.

Session Length

The Cupid's path lasts approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.


This voucher is valid for two people.


Spectators are not allowed.

What To Wear

Dress comfortably and bring along swimwear. Towel, bathrobe and slippers are provided by the center.


The Cupid's path is available throughout the whole year: from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 to 20. Sunday from 13 to 18. Closed on Monday.






Cupid's path Milan for two people:

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Cupid's path Milan for two people: Reviews

Durchschnitt der Bewertungen
8.3 / 10

Ottima spa
ottima struttura...calda, organizzata ed accogliente! Una spa all'altezza della descrizione...
Alessia e Marco
7 / 10

Percorso di cupido
Una delle migliori spa dove sia stata! Un percorso benessere davvero rilassante ed originale che non avevo mai provato! Da ripetere assolutamente!
9 / 10

Esperienza Cupido
La struttura è molto bella. Non è la prima volta in un centro benessere, ma questa è decisamente una delle migliori strutture che abbia visto. Per quanto riguarda il il Percorso di Cupido, devo dire che i trattamenti sono molto ben assortiti. Mi è piacuto particolarmente il gommage iniziale, ma tutti i trattamenti sono stati di mio gradimento, persino il mio ragazzo gli ha apprezzati! Abbiamo avuto veramente un bel pomeriggio. Sto pensando di riprovare questa esperienza anche se non è più il nostro Anniversario.
9 / 10

Cupid's path Milan for two people: Bewertung

Ihr Name

Cupid's path Milan for two people: Verfügbarkeit

The Cupid's path is available throughout the whole year: from Tuesday to Saturday from 11 to 20. Sunday from 13 to 18. Closed on Monday.

Cupid's path Milan for two people: Faszinierende Fakten

Cupid's path Milan for two people: Noch nicht sicher

Cupid's path Milan for two people: Einschränkungen

Participants should be aged over 18 years old. Not recommended for heart patients and those suffering from venous thrombosis and women who are pregnant
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  • Unser Preis € 130,00
  • Menge:
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