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Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Are you prepared to learn how to make the classiest of cocktails?!

Cocktail classes are an amazing way for people to get to know each other, bond, and grow. Whether it be for a date with a significant other or even a team-building event, this experience really is something else.

During this cocktail masterclass, you will be taught how to create 2 signature drinks that involve gin and also have a slightly surprising twist for you to enjoy. So what do you think it will be that you will be making? Will it be a Negroni, Tom Collins, or even a French 75? I guess you will just have to take part and find out for yourself! If you are looking for a non-alcoholic experience, then not to worry. Please make us aware at the time of booking this with us that you wish for no alcohol, and we can make sure that you will make a mocktail instead.

Whether you are buying this as a gift for someone you know or even for yourself, we know that you will have the best time during the experience. So come and enjoy the cocktail masterclass today, we know you won't be disappointed!
  • Unser Preis € 53,00
  • Menge:
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin
Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin:  

The Experience 

Learn how to craft some of our ground-breaking cocktails in this hands-on experience. You’ll create two signature drinks, with fresh ingredients and some molecular surprises!

You'll also learn the history of distillation and see our state of the art distillery equipment in action. After the class, relax in our bar and enjoy the drinks you’ve created. With the option to order further drinks from our full menu of delicious libations. Pizza/salads are also available. 

Tickets include a welcome drink plus 2 cocktails and classes last 60 minutes..

Vital Information

This experience is only available on a Friday or Saturday and you must be at least 18 years old to attend this class

The Weather

The weather will have no effect on your experience

Session Length

60 minutes


For 1 person.


Only valid voucher holders may attend the experience. 

What To Wear

Casual comfortable clothing


This experience is only available on a Friday or Saturday


Dublin, Ireland

Code : IE10068239

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin:

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin: Verfügbarkeit

This experience is only available on a Friday or Saturday

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin: Faszinierende Fakten

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin: Noch nicht sicher

Cocktail Masterclass in Dublin: Einschränkungen

This experience is only available on a Friday or Saturday and you must be at least 18 years old to attend this class
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 53,00
  • Menge:
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Shopping Personalizzato a Milano Zu meinem 50. Geburtstag habe ich von meinem Mann dieses Geschenk bekommen. Da ich gerne Reise und auch ein großer Modefan habe ich mich zwar gefreut wusste aber nicht in wieweit ein Personal Shopper mir neues zeugen könnte.
Wie man sich täuschen kann. Ich konnte neue unbekannte Seiten von Milano entdecken und gleichzeitig eine neue noch unbekannte Seite von mir entdecken. Ich habe einen roten Rock erstanden, denn ich mir normalerweise niemals gekauft hätte doch nun möchte ich ihn nicht mehr missen!
Nach diesem Erlebnis liebe ich Milano noch mehr als zuvor. Pauline Gerbauer

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Hallo, ich bin Lisa
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