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Celtic Boyne Valley Tour

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Take a trip into Ireland's Ancient East.

Spend a full day exploring ancient sites, hearing captivating stories and connecting with the rich history of the Emerald Isle.

The tour begins at the Hill of Tara, once the seat of Ireland's Ancient High Kings and filled with monuments that each tell their own story. The lush, green landscape here is as enchanting today as it was in the days of the Ard Rí kings.

Next, visit Trim Castle, one of Ireland's largest and best-preserved castles. The medieval walls and beautifully maintained gardens make for a picturesque stop. Then, reach Loughcrew Tombs, where ancient megalithic cairns have stood for 5,000 years, offering a window into Ireland's prehistoric past.

In the afternoon, the journey continues to Fore Abbey. Although St. Fechin's original seventh-century monastery is no longer standing, the ruins of the church date back to around 900 AD.

This final stop offers a fitting end to your Celtic Boyne Valley tour - a day filled with historical discoveries and unforgettable experiences!

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  • Unser Preis € 65,00
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Celtic Boyne Valley Tour
Celtic Boyne Valley Tour
Celtic Boyne Valley Tour
Celtic Boyne Valley Tour
Celtic Boyne Valley Tour
Celtic Boyne Valley Tour

Celtic Boyne Valley Tour:  

The Experience

The ‘Hill of Uisneacht’ is the spiritual center of Ireland and arguably one of our most important ancient sites. The point at which the five provinces of Ireland met and where their Kings would celebrate the ‘festival of the fires’. 

visitors can view the site where St Fechin founded a Christian monastery in the 7th Century. It’s believed that before his death, 300 monks lived in the community. Later, the monastery was set on fire 12 times. Among the remains on site, visitors can see St Fechin’s church, built about 900 AD.

Next to Loughcrew, the site of multiple passage tombs from the Neolithic age 5000 years old. Get up close and personal to pre-history in these cairns with its still intact rock art ,lavishly decorating the inside walls-built more than 500 years before the first pyramids.

Trim castle is the best preserved, most impressive example of Anglo-Norman castles in Ireland. It offers a spectacular insight into the lives and traditions of the people from the middle ages.

We travel to The Hill of Tara, which is best known for having been the royal residence of the ancient High Kings that ruled Ireland in Celtic times and beyond. It is said that a quarter of Ireland’s landscape can be seen from this hill.  Take in this spectacular vista before heading back to the capital. 


08:00 AM  - Depart from the tourist office at Suffolk Street

in Dublin city centre (outside the old stone church).  

08:30 AM  - Hill Of Tara

10:00 PM   - Trim Castle

12:00 PM  - Loughcrew Passage Tombs and Lunch(not included)

15:00 PM  - Fore Abbey  

16:00 PM  - Hill Of Uisneach

18:15 PM  - Arrive in Dublin City centre

Vital Information

Please arrive 10 minutes before departure. Please be advised that bookings in advance are essential. A hill walk is included in this tour- please bring warm clothing and sturdy walking shoes.

The Weather

This is not dependent on the weather.

Session Length

The tour will last approximately 10 hours. 



Code : IRE1DCT

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  • Unser Preis € 65,00
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