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Bridge Bungee Jump UK

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Take on the ultimate challenge with the only Bridge Bungee Jump in the UK.

Soar 150 feet above the River Esk, enjoying stunning views of Whitby Abbey and the Yorkshire coast.

After an exhilarating climb to the top, you'll leap into the air as the jump master counts down, and a waiting speedboat will whisk you back to shore. Celebrate your achievement with family and friends and don’t forget to grab your certificate!

Ready to conquer the ultimate adrenaline rush? Book your jump today and create memories that will last a lifetime!

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  • Unser Preis € 120,75
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Bridge Bungee Jump UK
Bridge Bungee Jump UK
Bridge Bungee Jump UK
Bridge Bungee Jump UK
Bridge Bungee Jump UK

Bridge Bungee Jump UK:  

Your Experience

Experience the thrill of the only Bridge Bungee Jump available in the UK, set in the stunning surroundings of Whitby, Yorkshire.

The iconic Larpool Viaduct, built in 1911, is one of only three operational bridge bungee jumps in the world and offers a truly unique adrenaline-pumping experience. This is the ultimate challenge for those seeking a sense of freedom, excitement and accomplishment.

Perched 150 feet above the River Esk, the bungee jump provides breath-taking views of the Yorkshire coast, including the historic Whitby Abbey. It’s a perfect adventure for thrill-seekers and an unforgettable way to tick off one of life’s ultimate bucket list experiences.

After your jump, why not complete your day with fish and chips on the beach?

On the day of your jump, you’ll be weighed and equipped with a safety harness before making the exhilarating climb of 210 steps to the top of the bridge. Once there, you'll walk to the jump zone, where final safety checks are made. As the jump master counts down “3, 2, 1, Bungee,” you’ll take the leap, soaring 150 feet towards the River Tees below. After your jump, a waiting speedboat will bring you back to shore, where you’ll celebrate with family and friends at the viewing area.

Don’t forget to collect your certificate and check out the merchandise to commemorate this unforgettable experience!

Vital Information 

Minimum age is 14. Under 16s need a parent/guardian's signature. Over 50s need to produce a doctor's certificate. You must be in good health and you must inform us of any medical conditions before the jump as they may prohibit your participation. 

Session Length 

This experience will last for approximately 2 hours. 


You'll jump on your own, but there will be others waiting their turn. 


Spectators are welcome. Cameras are also recommended to capture the moment. 

Dress Code 

Just dress comfortably and for the weather conditions. Don't wear high heals or long boots. 


This experience takes place on Sunday mornings throughout the year. 


Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire 

Other information 

For safety reasons, glasses must be removed prior to your jump.



Bridge Bungee Jump UK:

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Bridge Bungee Jump UK: Verfügbarkeit

Bridge Bungee Jump UK: Faszinierende Fakten

Bridge Bungee Jump UK: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 120,75
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