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Aqua Zorbing - For Two

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich
Enjoy an unforgettable experience with our Aqua Zorbing for 2. You and a friend will enjoy 1 run each inside the 12' inflatable ball called the Sphere.

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  • Unser Preis € 73,18
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Aqua Zorbing - For Two
Aqua Zorbing - For Two
Aqua Zorbing - For Two
Aqua Zorbing - For Two
Aqua Zorbing - For Two

Aqua Zorbing - For Two:  

The Experience

With no harnesses, you are completely free inside a 12' inflatable ball, as you and a friend slip and slide around inside the ball in your swimming trunks with thirty litres of water. Instead of being thrown around with the ball you link your arms with your fellow victim and slide together down a hill, riding the water.

The general reaction people make is to laugh hysterically as they descend the hill (rolling and bouncing) at up to 35 miles per hour! There is actually no reason to be scared, our instructors will watch your safety the whole time. 

Vital Information

There are several factors which may affect your ability to enjoy this experience. You should not participate if you are; pregnant, suffering from high blood pressure, any heart condition, epilepsy, any back or neck (current or past) problems, under the influence of alcohol or drugs and undergoing medical treatment or have had an operation within the past twelve months.
Customers under 3ft 10ins or less than 12 years old or over 65 years old (Parental consent is required up to the age of 18 years old) or exceeding 18 stone (NB. Max girth 60 ins) may not be able to participate.
The business judgement of whether a customer can enjoy their experience, depending on a restriction, is final and will be decided upon by location staff on the day of the ride. If you suffer from any other conditions and are in doubt of your fitness to participate, please contact us for further advice.

The Weather

This activity requires a good weather. In very rare circumstances of periods of wet weather the experience may be cancelled, and an alternative date will be offered to you. 

Session Length

Your ride will last approximately one minute, although this is dependent on the site you pick as the length of the run varies from 150 - 250 meters. If you do want your ride to last longer, additional rides can be purchased. Waiting times could be anything up to two hours, but the location staff will attempt to give your ride within the half hour time slot you are allocated.


Spectators may be welcome at some venues. Please check before making a booking to avoid disappointment. There are strict health & safety regulations in place that must be followed.

What To Wear

We recommend that you wear comfortable trousers and a crew/polo neck t-shirt or jumper. You should wear clothes that protect and cover your shoulders/neck as you will be wearing a full climbing harness. As the Sphere may be damaged by jewellery and belts, you will be asked to remove such items. You should also note that you will be barefoot in the Sphere. Please bring a towel or two with you as you will get wet! 


This experience operates most weekends between April and September. Availability will be confirmed to you after you redeem your voucher.


Aqua Zorbing for 2 - 1 run operates Manchester.


Aqua Zorbing - For Two:

Aqua Zorbing - For Two: Verfügbarkeit

This experience operates most weekends between April and September. Availability will be confirmed to you after you redeem your voucher.

Aqua Zorbing - For Two: Faszinierende Fakten

Zorbing is a recreational activity which emerged in the late 20th century. It involves rolling down a hill in an inflatable, usually transparent, double-hulled ball (also called a Sphere) made from PVC. The Sphere consists of two chambers. The outer chamber, which is the shell of the Sphere is 12ft tall, and the inner chamber is 6ft tall, meaning there is a 3ft cushion of air.

Sphereing originated in the UK and is the brainchild of Robert Price.

Would you like to see how Sphereing works? Watch this video clip about Sphereing or have a look inside this sphere!

Aqua Zorbing - For Two: Noch nicht sicher

Zorbing Down a Hill

Inside a Sphere:

Aqua Zorbing - For Two: Einschränkungen

You can not participate if you are:

· Pregnant

· Suffering from high blood pressure, any heart condition, epilepsy, any back or neck (current or past) problems

· Under the influence of alcohol or drugs

· Undergoing medical treatment or have had an operation within the past twelve months

· Under 4ft or less than 12 years old or over 65 years old (Parental consent is required up to the age of 18 years old)

· Exceeding 18 stone (NB. Max girth 60 ins)

The business judgement of whether a customer can enjoy their experience, depending on a restriction, is final and will be decided upon by location staff on the day of the ride. If you suffer from any other conditions and are in doubt of if you are fit to participate, please contact us for further advice.
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  • Unser Preis € 73,18
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