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Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Prepare for the ultimate Zorbing adventure with our exciting combo package!

Experience the best of both worlds: Harnessed Zorbing and Hydro Zorbing.

Begin with Harnessed Zorbing, where you'll be securely strapped inside an orb, rolling down the hill and feeling the exhilarating spins and turns. It's the perfect way to get your adrenaline pumping and enjoy the unique sensation of tumbling downhill.

Then, dive into the fun of Hydro Zorbing. Step inside a large water-filled orb and get ready for a completely different Zorbing experience. As you roll down the hill, the water inside the orb creates a slippery, splash-filled adventure that will leave you laughing and wanting more.

This combo package offers a thrilling mix of activities that you won't find anywhere else. It's ideal for a summer day out with friends, providing unforgettable memories and endless entertainment.

Don't miss out on this amazing experience this summer. Gather your friends and enjoy the ultimate outdoor activity. Book your combo package now and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime!

Can't decide what experience gift to choose for someone? Browse our open choice gift boxes here ...
  • Unser Preis € 36,59
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Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing
Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing
Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing
Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing
Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing
Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing:  

The Experience

The Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing experience will take you into the world of Zorbing. Get inside the 12 feet inflatable ball and down the hill. With Harnessed Zorbing you will be strapped in the orb and go down the hill at upp to 25 miles per hour. This thrill will not stop until you are down the hill.
With Hydro Zorbing the ball is filled with 5 gallons of water when you will be rolling down the hill. This intense experience is best described as a combination between a water chute and a rollercoaster.
You'll receive two rolls, one Harness Zorbing and one Hydro Zorbing! The combined package is perfect when you are looking for a fresh thrill.

Vital Information

The Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing has capacity for 2 people with a maximum weight of 180kg / 28 stone. The Hydro Zorbing experience can hold up to 3 people with a maximum weight of 250kg / 39 stone. Height and weight will me be measured on the day of the experience

You can not participate if you are; pregnant, suffering from high blood pressure, any heart condition, epilepsy, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, under 5ft, under 12 years old (or under 16 without parental consent).

The Weather

If the weather is very windy the Zorbing rides may be cancelled op proposed with little or no advanced notice.

Session Length

A roll down the hill will take approximately 1-2 minutes.


This voucher is valid for one participant only. Your experience might be shared with other participants on the day.


You are welcome to bring along friends and relatives to watch the Zorbing experience. As long as they stay in the assigned areas.

What To Wear

The recommended dress code for the Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing experience is to wear comfortable trousers, a long sleeve t-shirt or a jumper. It is advice to wear clothing that protect your shoulders and neck as you will wear a full harness.

The recommended dress code for the Hydro Zorbing experience is to wear a t-shirt and comfortable shorts or trousers. Remember you will get wet during the experience so bring some dry clothing and a towel.

It is not allowed to wear shoes or any kind of jewellery during your Zorbing experience.


The Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing experience is available from April to October


Moneymore, Northern Ireland


Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing:

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Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Reviews

Durchschnitt der Bewertungen
8.0 / 10

amazing zorbing
We went zorbing last week which was a amazing experience! We did not expect that it would be such a rush!! We are definitely going again sometime.
Patrick and Rachel
8 / 10

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Bewertung

Ihr Name

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Verfügbarkeit

The Harnessed and Hydro Zorbing experience is available from April to October

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Faszinierende Fakten

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Noch nicht sicher

Aqua Zorbing and Harness Zorbing: Einschränkungen

Restrictions for the Harnessed Zorbing experience.
-Up to 2 people with a maximum weight of 180kg / 28 stones

You can not participate if you are:
-Suffering from high blood pressure, any heart condition, epilepsy,
-Under the influence of alcohol or drugs
-Under 5ft
-Under 12 years
-Unable to provide a parental consent form if under 16 years
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  • Unser Preis € 36,59
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