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Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting

Internationales Erlebnis : Irland

Afternoon Tea Just Got a Delicious Makeover!

Take part in this wonderfully unique and exciting experience courtesy of Stillgarden Distillery!

This experience gives participants the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a variety of cakes sandwiches, and even a gin tasting before their afternoon begins. Get ready to be blown away by the complexity of flavour profiles within the gin tasting, as we can guarantee you won't have experienced something like this before.

Whether you are a resident of Ireland or just visiting, we cannot recommend this experience enough to you. If you are a gin connoisseur or a novice it doesn't matter, you will learn and enjoy a wonderful day regardless of your gin knowledge.

If you are giving this as a gift or a special treat for yourself, we just know that you will have an amazing time at the distillery. So get yours booked as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
  • Unser Preis € 75,00
  • Menge:
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting
Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting :  

The Experience 

Visit Stillgarden Distillery to find out the ‘ginspiration’ behind their range of their special and unique gins. You’ll be taken through the history of distillation and you will discover their wall of 120 botanicals. This experience includes a tasting of 4 of their signature gins. This is followed by a delicious afternoon tea with a selection of sumptuous cakes and sandwiches.Once completed, you have the option of stayong and enjoying some of the venues other delicious treats and drinks so get comfy and enjoy!

Tickets include a welcome drink, plus a 4 gin tasting flight & afternoon tea. All sessions end with a Q&A from one of our liquid experts.

Vital Information

You must be 18 or over to take part in this experience. This experience is only available on Saturday. Gluten free option available but there is a charge of £25.00 ontop of the voucher value (Please make us aware of this when you go to book)

The Weather

Does not affect this experience

Session Length

Can be taken at your leisure


For 1 person


Spectators should hold their own vouchers.

What To Wear



This experience is only available on a Saturday. 


Dublin, Ireland

Code : IE10068226

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting :

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting : Verfügbarkeit

This experience is only available on a Saturday

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting : Faszinierende Fakten

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting : Noch nicht sicher

Afternoon Tea and Gin Tasting : Einschränkungen

You must be 18 years old or over to take part in this experience
Befolgen Sie diese 4 einfachen Schritten, um einen unvergesslichen Tag zu genießen!

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  • Unser Preis € 75,00
  • Menge:
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