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300ft Bungee Jump

Internationales Erlebnis : Vereinigtes Königreich

Do you have what it takes to make the leap...3...2...1...BUNGEE!!!

Our 300FT Bungee Jump is from the highest available bungee jumping site in the UK. You will be jumping from over 300ft in either Windsor/Bray Lake, Berkshire or Tatton Park, Knutsford from a crane and experiencing over 4 seconds of freefall.

Here at Golden Moments we love experiencing life to the full and trust us when we say this Bungee Jump is a must do for everyone's bucket list. Even if you're not an adrenaline junkee or thrill-seeker by nature - this is one experience in life you'll not want to miss out on!

An ideal gift for an 18th, 21st, 30th or 40th birthday - that they'll be sure to shout about, "BUNGEE". Create a memory that will last a lifetime, making this the best gift experience ever!
  • Unser Preis € 146,37
  • Menge:
300ft Bungee Jump
300ft Bungee Jump
300ft Bungee Jump
300ft Bungee Jump
300ft Bungee Jump
300ft Bungee Jump

300ft Bungee Jump:  

Your Experience

Need something with a bit extra, well a 300ft Bungee Jump will do just that, and it takes place right here in the UK. A Crane will winch you to a height of 300ft, the highest available jumping site in the UK before you are dispatched and experience over 4 seconds of freefall. A fantastic experience and one you will not forget.

Filled with adrenalin you will be gently lowered to the ground. Then it’s back to the shore waving to you family and friends from the viewing area. Once on dry land collect your certificate and make sure that you have got enough photos to remember this day!

Vital information

Minimum age is 14. Under 16s need a parent/guardian's signature. Over 50s need to produce a doctor's certificate. You must be in good health and you must inform us of any medical conditions before the jump as they may prohibit your participation. For safety reasons, glasses MUST be removed prior to your jump.

The Weather

Bad weather conditions may affect the 300FT Bungee Jump. If this is the case, the experience can be rebooked for another date.

Session Length

Your experience will last for approximately 2 hours. Numbers You'll be jumping on your own, but there will be others waiting their turn.


Spectators are welcome. Cameras are also recommended to capture the moment.

What To Wear

Just dress comfortably and for the weather conditions. Don't wear high heals or long boots.


Both locations are available on selected dates throughout the year.


Windsor/Bray Lake, Berkshire and Tatton Park, Knutsford


300ft Bungee Jump:

Standorte anzeigen

300ft Bungee Jump: Verfügbarkeit

Please call our team to check available dates.

300ft Bungee Jump: Faszinierende Fakten

Bungee jumping comes from an ancient tradition practised by the Pentecost Islanders celebrating their transition into manhood. Young men jumped from heights of up to 70 feet from specially constructed bamboo towers, or even cliffs, with springy vines attached to their ankles to break their fall. The real pioneer of modern bungee jumping was A.J. Hackett, from New Zealand. In 1987, his illegal jump from the Eiffel Tower gave international prominence to the sport. Hackett went home to set up the first commercial bungee jumps in the world, and his base on New Zealand's South Island can be called the real home of bungee. Today, bungee jumping utilises special purpose harnesses and very strong elastic cords designed to provide maximum tensile strength while still having an elongation of 300% under load. It can be used for 500 jumps and the integrity of the cord is easily checked with a specially designed Over Elongation Indicator. So why do people do it? Recent studies show that a combination of fear, sheer thrill and exhilaration are a tonic for human beings.

300ft Bungee Jump: Noch nicht sicher

300ft Bungee Jump: Einschränkungen

Minimum age is 14. 14 and 15 year olds need a parent or guardian to sign for them on the day of jumping. Over 50s need to produce a doctor's certificate to confirm that you are fit. You must be in good health and you must inform us of any medical conditions before the jump as they may prohibit your participation. Any of the following you cannot jump: high Blood Pressure, a heart condition, suffer from dizziness or epilepsy, pregnancy, asthma, damage to neck, spine legs or eyes. Drinking before jumping is permitted. Wear suitable clothes to the weather condition.
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  • Unser Preis € 146,37
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