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Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace

Travel through the worl at the Weltmuseum Wien. See unique treasures from different cultures and epochs, including a part of James Cook's collection.
  • Unser Preis € 12,30
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Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace
Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace

Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace:  

The Weltmuseum Wien is one of the leading ethnographic museums in the world. First established in 1806 as part of the Imperial Natural History Cabinet, after the partial acquisition of the “James Cook Collection”, it continuously grew and became an indipendent museum in 1928. Today it houses various collections, from ethnographic treasures and historical photographs, books on non-European civilisations, pre-Columbian and colonial feather artefacts, treasures from Mexico or examples of African-Portuguese ivory carving and much more. Moreover you can visit with your ticket the impressive Imperial Armoury, an amazing experience not only for enthusiasts of knights. It documents five centuries of European history with armours and cour arms from nearly all western European princes, that are were connected to the Habsburgs.
Code : MTX10045551

Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace:

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Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace: Verfügbarkeit


Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace: Faszinierende Fakten

Ticket for the Weltmuseum Wien and the Imperial Armoury at Hofburg Palace: Noch nicht sicher

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  • Unser Preis € 12,30
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